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Welcome to the Southwestern
CT Agency on Aging

The Southwestern CT Agency on Aging and Independent Living is here to help you maintain and improve the quality of your life in the community. SWCAA can help you navigate options to help you or your loved one remain in the community regardless of age.




99-Days Inc.

99-Days, Inc. gratefully accepts donations with this year’s proceeds benefiting the Southwestern CT Agency on Aging’s Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program where financial assistance is provided to secure much needed respite support for those with a verified dementia diagnosis. Follow 99-Days Inc. on Facebook at and Instagram at .

Age Well Fest 2024

We are incredibly excited to announce our next big endeavor — AgeWellFest 2024, coming to the Meriden Green on September 12. Save the date!

Help to Make the Right Medicare CHOICES - SWCAA Read More

Meet This Month's Employee Spotlight

Meet Julissa

Meet Julissa Sanchez – a dynamic and invaluable member of the SWCAA team for the past two years. Starting as a receptionist, Julissa has blossomed into a powerhouse administrative staff member, contributing across multiple departments, including Aging Answers, Housing, and Care Management, all while excelling in her core administrative responsibilities.  Julissa’s is a joy to everyone who walks through SWCAA’s doors. We are incredibly fortunate to have Julissa on our team – she is an absolute gem and, without a doubt, the bomb!

Join the Team

CHOICES, Connecticut State Health Insurance Program(SHIP) is now taking applications.

You have Choices

Have questions about navigating the Medicare system for yourself or an aging parent? Need help sorting through long-term care, homecare, transportation and more? The CHOICES program (Connecticut’s programs for Health insurance, Outreach, Information and Eligibility) is a statewide health insurance assistance program that provides free, unbiased, confidential information and counseling. Click the photo to connect and get the answers you need.


The Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders serves over 2,500 older adults in southwestern CT.  For Mrs. K, the program has special meaning and helps her live independently.

Evelyn Kotton

CT Homecare Program for Elders

“There is no place like home.”  It’s a feeling expressed by many of SWCAA’s participants in the Money Follows the Person Program.  “This program has given me back my freedom” said Mrs. T, seen here with Supervisor Herby.

Mrs. T

Community Options

“SWCAA’s impact on Hall Senior Center is Huge!  The support allows us to be there for our Senior Community everyday.”

Hall Senior Center


Contact Us

(203) 333-9288

1000 Lafayette Blvd., 9th Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604

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