COVID-19 Resources for Providers
Corona Virus (COVID-19) Resources for Providers
The situation and information regarding COVID-19 precautions, instructions, and supports is continuing to evolve. Please keep checking back for further information and guidance.
Last Updated March 20, 2020 10:00 AM
Communication and direct care services are vital to reducing the risks for vulnerable elders. Each City and Town in southwestern Connecticut has senior residents who are able to maintain their community lifestyle through an amazing network of formal (paid assistance) and informal (family and friend caregivers) supports. If the network is disabled, even temporarily, aides may be unable to care for the elderly, meals on wheels may not be delivered, medications may not be picked up, and our elderly will suffer disproportionately. Previous community emergencies like hurricanes Katrina and Irma shed a spotlight on the vulnerability of older adults. We must develop a community response that includes, getting shelf stable food to the homes of vulnerable seniors, addressing 30 day vital medication supplies and developing emergency backup care plans for seniors who can’t ambulate, toilet, eat, medicate or bathe.
For now, following CDC guidelines is about all we can do to minimize the spread of the virus. But to minimize the disastrous effect of isolation or lack of access to care, we should all look at our communities, senior centers and social service agencies to find out what you can do to help your most vulnerable neighbors. A grassroots effort to identify the most vulnerable is underway. Each of us can do our part to check in with our older or disabled neighbors- pick up some extra food or offer to pick up a prescription.
Please go to the DXC Website for Information and updates.
Closing Referrals or Shutting down for COVID-19
You must update SWCAA with changes in availability or the independent desicion to close. SWCAA needs to ensure the care of our mutual clients during this time.
Contact Marie Allen or Mary Donnelly for these updates.
Consolidated Provider Guidance:
Pharmacy provisions:
This bulletin outlines the following:
- Waiver of Medicare Part D co-payments that are otherwise required for dually eligible individuals;
- Modification of the HUSKY Health early refill policy for prescriptions to reduce the “pharmacy early refill threshold” from 93% to 80%; and
- Modification of the HUSKY Health “maximum allowable unit and days’ supply” policy for prescriptions of maintenance and non-maintenance drugs other than controlled substances to 90 days.
Please access this bulletin at this link:
Waiver of HUSKY B Copayments
DSS has released two bulletins that include information about waiver of HUSKY B copayments.
The first bulletin indicates that the DSS is waiving HUSKY B (CHIP) pharmacy co-payments.
The second bulletin indicates that DSS is discontinuing the HUSKY B (CHIP) medical copayments. Note that there are no changes to other cost share requirements for dental services and no changes to the allowed amounts for orthodontic services, hearing aids and eyeglasses.
Lab Testing:
DSS has released a bulletin that outlines coverage of laboratory testing for COVID-19, using CDC/CMS identified HCPCS codes.
Procedure Code | Short Description |
99201-99205 | Office/outpatient visit new |
DSS has release three provider bulletins on telemedicine.
The first bulletin reflects NEW permanent coverage of real-time video conferencing
Video conferencing is between HUSKY Health members and their health care providers for specific medical and behavioral health services.
The Department’s initial focus for telehealth implementation is coverage for the following, when medically necessary (consistent with the statutory definition at Conn. Gen. Stat. 17b-259b) and compliant with all otherwise applicable requirements were the service to be performed face-to-face:
Behavioral health services Behavioral health telehealth services will be payable for members who receive:
- Specified psychotherapy services;
- Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) services;
- Select Evaluation & Management services
- Individual smoking cessation.
Medical telehealth services (select Evaluation & Management services, individual smoking cessation, health and behavior assessment/intervention) will be payable for:
- Members who have been determined to be homebound by their physician, advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), certified nurse midwife (CNM), physician assistant (PA) or podiatrist; or
- Members who have been approved to have or have received surgery from a provider located in non-contiguous state (i.e., any state that does not border Connecticut).
The second bulletin reflects a COVID-19 expansion of telemedicine
The expansion is to include all evaluation and management services for medical and behavioral health. This will be effective for the duration of the public health emergency. It further covers evaluation and management (E/M) services as coverable medical telemedicine services to those already outlined in PB 2020-09.
The third bulletin reflects a further COVID-19 related expansion of telemedicine
This expansion is to include additional codes and audio-only telephone visits. Effective March 18th, authorization of audio-only telephone visits for all medical and behavioral health E&M codes, previously expanded behavioral health codes, and services below. This is for calls of minimum length (11-20 minutes, 21-30 minutes) between identified providers and established patients who have given, at a minimum, verbal informed consent that is documented in the EMR, for purposes of medical discussion of a clinical service, using CPT guidance for billing, utilizing applicable fee schedules, and prohibiting this use for initial induction of MAT and routine, non-clinical telephone communication.
Effective March 18th, authorization of use of audio/video conferencing for additional specified codes for:
- all children’s behavioral health rehabilitation services
- autism spectrum disorder treatment services
- targeted case management
- standard case management
- family therapy without the patient
Four Essential Questions we should be asking all seniors
Mrs. Jones, have you thought about what would happen if the COVID-19 virus closes services for a while?
1) Do you have enough medication for 30 days? If not, will you speak to your nurse or call your doctor to increase your supply? Do you have aspirin, fever reducer and cough syrup in the house?
2) Do you have food that won’t go bad? Canned goods, powdered milk, oatmeal, tuna are sources of nutrition that could tide you over if home delivered meals can’t be delivered. How would you get them? Are you making plans to get them?
3) Do you have a backup plan if your care staff is unable to get to your home for a week or more? Can we call your loved one to review the backup plan?
4) Did you know that the CDC is recommending that people over 60 or with compromised health stay home as much as possible?