Grants Overview

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Southwestern CT Agency on Aging provides funding for home and community based services for adults aged 60 and older under Title III of the Older Americans Act through an annual Request for Proposals.

Types of services for which funding is available include:

  1. Community-based and in-home supportive social services (Title III-B)
  2. Evidence-based health promotion services (Title III-D)
  3. Family caregiver support services, grandparents raising grandchildren (Title III-E)
  4. Congregate and home-delivered meals, nutrition education and counseling (Title III-C)

Priority is given to programs that assist economically and socially disadvantaged older adults. Public, incorporated non-profit, or private for-profit agencies serving seniors within SWCAA’s fourteen-town area are eligible to apply.

More information can be found at the links below.

Contact Us

(203) 333-9288

1000 Lafayette Blvd., 9th Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604

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