Grants Application Process

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SWCAA Announces Funding Opportunity

The Southwestern CT Agency on Aging is pleased to announce the opening of our grant application process.  SWCAA allocates state and federal grants to support aging services including senior centers, transportation, mental health services, evidence-based health promotion programs, nutrition services, caregiver support, legal assistance and many other community based supportive services. A list of all services eligible for funding is available at Opportunities/Grant Writing Resources, under MIS Service Definitions

Important Dates

March 20, 2024: FY 2025 Request for Proposals and all Application materials posted on SWCAA website (Funding Opportunities/Application Documents)

March 22, 20241: at 1:00 pm- Mandatory technical assistance for new applicants

April 3, 2024: at 9:00 am- Optional technical assistance for current grantees

April 17, 2024: at 3:00 pm- Application deadline

May-June 2024:  SWCAA Allocations Sub-Committees review applications and Board of Directors make final award decisions

July 1, 2024:  All applicants are notified

October 1, 2024:  September 30, 2025- FY 2025 Project Period

For details see “FY 2025 Request for Proposals”


Gretchen James

SWCAA Grants Manager

at or 203-814-3620

RFP Notification Mailing List

To receive notification of the RFP posting, please send your full mailing address including email to

Contact Us

(203) 333-9288

1000 Lafayette Blvd., 9th Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604

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